Accelerated Publication Fee


Suppose time is of the essence in your manuscript publication strategy. In that case, our accelerated publication option is available to help you quickly enter your research manuscript into a high-quality peer-reviewed process.

With Accelerated Publication, Your Get:

  • Coordinate your article publishing schedule; and
  • Speed up the peer review process without sacrificing quality or rigor.

Time Duration

Accelerated publishing time duration of 8-15 days from submission to online publication.

Ensuring Quality

Acceptance of articles with accelerated publication services is entirely subject to editorial team consideration and independent reviewers. CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn) continues to ensure quality standards, despite the cost of accelerated publication is greater.

Accelerated Publication Fee

Due to the costs incurred to meet the accelerated publication time duration, CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn) is entitled to receive a fee before starting the peer review process. If the Editor-in-Chief decides to reject the manuscript, the author will get back 70% of the accelerated publication fee. The accelerated publication fee is IDR 1,500,000.00.

The payment referred to above can be transferred to the following account number:

  • BCA: 789-1195-307
  • BRI: 3819-0104-2895-534
  • Mandiri: 152-0033-986-411

In the name of Abd. Kahar Muzakkir.